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Degree of Personalization and Effectiveness of VR in Education
How personalized and effective is immersive virtual reality in education? A systematic literature review of personalization strategies utilized in Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) for educational objectives in the classroom is presented.
“Past and Future Presence: Approaches for Implementing XR Technology in Humanities and Art Education” by Stanford University
The article aims to present research-based theory and case studies of successful application and implementation of XR technology into postsecondary educational settings.
VR Aids in Physics Student Learning of Vectors
Over 90% of students in an introductory physics course said VR helped them learn and understand 3-D vectors, visualize mathematical problems involving vectors, and understand the location and meaning of angles between vectors.
ASU Sees Biology Grades and Student Ratings Improve with Virtual Reality
Following the success of biology courses aided by technology from Dreamscape Immersive, Arizona State University is hoping to make more use of virtual reality for other course subjects.
VR Learning Leads to Greater Creativity and Higher Cognitive Engagement
Students learning with a VR-based approach were more creative and had higher cognitive engagement than students learning with a pencil-and-paper or hands-on approach shows The Journal of Interactive Learning Environments.
VR Leads to Increase Interest in Course Material, Higher Engagement, and Better Performance
Virtual Reality (VR) can cause students to become more interested in course material, leading to higher levels of engagement and better performance on long-term assessments of learning says the Educational Psychology Review.
Learning Retention Rates with VR are Second only to Teaching Someone Else
A National Training Laboratory study found while lectures and reading produce only 5% to 10% learning retention rates, a VR experience can result in 75% retention — second only to learning by teaching someone else.
VR Methods Increase Learning Retention for Medical Staff
Staff who learned using virtual reality were able to retain nearly 80% of what they learned when tested after one year, whereas staff who learned using traditional methods retained only 20% a week after being tested says Miami Children’s Health System.
The Cognitive Affective Model of Immersive Learning (CAMIL)
“The Cognitive Affective Model of Immersive Learning (CAMIL): a Theoretical Research-Based Model of Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality” by Education Psychology Review.
Lessons for Virtual Classrooms: Designing a Model for Classrooms inside Virtual Reality
“Lessons for Virtual Classrooms: Designing a Model for Classrooms inside Virtual Reality” by the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University.
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